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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pops Bare Bones Special

Have you been wanting the try the Pops? Here is your chance to give yourself, or someone you love the gift of good health at half the cost. Starting Dec 10 at 12 Noon ET you can order these amazing vitamins, winner or the 2008 Best Multivitamin Award, for over 1/2 off.
Go to this page to take advantage of this great offer!

Here's why we're doing this crazy special:
1) to acknowledge the current economic hardship many folks are experiencing
2) to express our gratitude that the Pops have started so many folks back on the road to their health.
3) To offer you the option of giving someone you care about - this year - the first step back to health. We'll ship them for you in U.S. with a personal card.
4) to celebrate the selection of the Pops as the "Best Multi of 2008"
This special will be available only on this page. Doors open on this bare bones Pops event December 10, NOON ET.

To read more on the Pops, visit here

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